A relationship reading is based on the natal charts (horoscopes) of the two persons involved and will bring clarity, understanding, and the way to healing. 
During a relationship consultation, you will learn about each other's expectations and relationship style, the areas of greatest ease in your relationship and the areas of growth.  You will also learn how the current positions of the planets (transits) are affecting your relationship now.

Next time you fall madly in love with someone, look at the degree numbers and signs of both your charts.  There will be a very close or several very close connections.
In a relationship consultation, we can look at any type of important relationship - the interaction between oneself and a lover, oneself and our boss, or oneself and a parent or our child. 
The chart at left is called a bi-wheel chart.   It compares the horoscopes of two people.  A brief glance at this chart reveals to me the nature of the love and emotional attachment between the two people.
"I learned more from you and your experiences than I have learned from therapists in three years.  You really helped make sense of things and for that I am very grateful."  KJ