The Queen of Sciences of the ancients, astrology was the the mother of astronomy.  The moving skies have communicated to seers from time immemorial in every culture.  Astrologers were mathematicians and scientists.

The planets move. Lately, astrologers have been discussing the array of planets now in Aquarius, the sign of hopes and wishes, the group rather than the individual, and revolutionary changes.  Pluto moved into Aquarius a couple of weeks ago.  It will be in Aquarius for many years, except for a brief return to Capricorn at the end of 2024.  Other planets are also transiting the sign of Aquarius now.  This will be meaningful to you especially if your natal chart has planets in early degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, or Taurus.


Scorpio and Taurus square Aquarius.  Since squares usually imply discomfort and we make changes when we aren't comfortable, you may feel an inner pressure to make changes in your life.  The changes will depend on which houses are affected.


Leo is opposed by Aquarius, so Leo energy may feel thwarted or that there is a blockage to overcome. Finding the commonality between the two opposite energies takes work, but it leads to wholeness.


Generalizations can only give you a generalized idea because your chart is unique.  Every degree of the zodiac has a meaning and every person has a different balance of signs, houses and aspects. This is why a one-on-one astrological reading can be extremely helpful and enlightening.


I have had some important oppositions in my chart in the past year.  I see them and I feel them.  They haven't keep me down!  Traveling, seeing new things, and learning to communicate in another culture and language has been challenging, but all the time I know the alternative could be stagnation and decline.  As I am reminded that I am "pushing 80" by my older brother, I'm delighted to be able to offer my one-on-one reading to you, by phone, while I am still enthusiastic and energetic enough to want to contribute something to the "world".   And, if you are visiting the Riviera Maya any time soon, I'd love to meet you in person.  Check out my blog at

Schedule a one-on-one reading with me at and click on the INFLATION FIGHTER for my special free one-on-one personal reading.  Here is the link for the free reading: 

Or set up a reading via text to my current USA number 760 450 9339.

My sincere desire is to help people through my own understanding of the art of astrology, which I have incorporated into my life since the 1960s.  And yes, I can see your relationships, the theme everyone is asking about around Valentines Day, but my favorite topic is your own personal growth!

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Over the years I've installed several different astrology apps in my android phones.  My use for an app is to see the chart for the current time. The positions of the planets inform me so that I can surmise what is going on in my chart by transit or in the charts of family members or clients.  The apps usually have an interpretation feature so a person can read about what each aspect means.  On a recent newsletter, I placed a link for my video on how to use Time Passages app's transit feature.

Recently I re-installed an app called AstroMatrix. I purchased it because it was powerful, but its upgrade from the one I had before is both powerful and marvelous.  The interpretations are informative and the graphics are beautiful.  I recommend this app.  Apparently there is a version for Apple products also.  Check it out for yourself in your app store.

houses of the chart